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What are YOU Thankful For?

I'm visiting family out of town. We went around the table listing what we were all thankful for. I said that I was tankful for having such an extensive list of things to be thankful for. I know it sounds generic as hell, but really think about it. I did give a list of things. I didn't just, like, "Yeah, a bunch of stuff. fnyeh," then shoot the finger at everybody and walk out. That would have been very rude. But , yeah. As simple as it sounds, think about anything good you have going. Any lessons learned, even tough ones. Anyone you know that's been through it with you. Stuff, people, anything. We all have something to be thankful for. Even if I were at the bottom, and I've had some bad times, I'd like to think I'd be thankful for the chance to get back up.

Anyway... what are you thankful for? You don't have to tell me, but you can if you want. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


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