I used to say that no matter how you divvy up our society, be it by race, gender, age, sexual orientation, Coke, Pepsi, that there exists a trash element. But I think I'll polite it up a bit.
Being awful isn't a thing that's wholly owned by any particular group of people except for people as an entire collective. Every person has it in them to do and say awful things and just be awful. Thus every other person that doesn't have a current inclination to be awful needs to understand that there are others that do.
I believe that if every faction that our society is divided into looked into their own respective groups; that when there is a bad actor within their ranks, that any group would cast out any bad actor rather than circle the wagons around them and protecting them and identifying with them, maybe we could all get together in a better understanding of each other and get along a bit better. I feel like this would be a huge step in interpersonal relations across all of these aforementioned factions.
I know. This isn't funny. But I guess to put it more lightly, can't we all just fuck off? Seriously. You don't like what their doing? Are they hurting anyone? Are they disrupting anything? Are they destroying or taking what's not theirs? No? Then fuck... off. But to those on the other side of this defense... Fuck off and keep your hands to yourself. I guess if I were to run for office I could call this "Fuck Off Diplomacy."
Easier said than done I s'pose. But I think we could get to interpersonal harmony if we could all interact in positive and constructive ways. It wouldn't be quick, but we could get there. But life be messy and people be people and it be how it do.
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