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Christmas is a Lot of Things to a Lot of People...

Image Credit: The name on the upper left corner, I guess...

I was driving along thinking about how Christmas seems to be dead. Not necessarily dead, but devolved, I guess. I heard a radio ad for the station itself, and the question was asked, "what do you love about Christmas?" The answers given were giving gifts, and getting gifts. This might make a cynic, such as myself, bemoan the degradation of the holiday that is supposed to mean so much more! But why? Why can't it be that? For them.

Some celebrate Christmas as the birth of the world's savior, Yeshua Benhur Jesus Christ. And they celebrate this point in the year by upholding His life and teachings.

Some people know a bit of history and see Christmas as a Catholic repaint and re-brand of a Pagan holiday. They hold or attend parties and praise life in general.

To everyone in one way or another, it's about a gift.

Others it may just be a day off.

But however you view it, that's yours. As long as you aren't looting and lighting people on fire, have fun. I've been a around those (and I was one of them, full disclosure and all) that take the stance of, "HARUMPH! Christmas must be this way or that or it's just a bunch of heathens dancing around a pine tree. hmBAHBAHBAHBAH..." But, oh man, the ones that really get me are those, fake sweet, 'now I'm a good Christian', super shady, highly critical, typically women but guys do it too, gossipy Bible thumpers. They are some of worst people. Really kills religion in general. And that's fine, too. If you wanna spend your holiday judging people on a metric that means nothing because you don't even abide by it yourself, FINE! But who are they to tell anybody what anything is supposed to mean anyway?

I've grown a lot over the years. In fact, some may call me girthy, but that's an aside. And what I've found through my growth, and experience is that most people are fine if you just leave them alone.

I suppose my main point here is that for a moment there, I thought Christmas had been relegated into what it was to become. A shopping holiday. But what I've come to figure out is that those people I heard on the ad, that's the way they do it. And that's okay.

Merry Christmas or whatever, everybody.


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