Art credit: Teddie-chan
The other day, my fiancé (ooh, with the fancy e and everything!) and I were at McDonald's getting a champion's morning feast. This woman comes out and she's having a heated discussion at someone. She's yelling. This catches my fiancé and I by surprise. Oh my goodness! Why is she yelling?
But why did it keep us by surprise past the initial startle? Why does anyone get surprised when someone yells? We all know what yelling is, why it happens, and have yelled ourselves. We understand the reason someone yells. They're pissed off. But for some reason when someone yells, we collectively clutch our pearls and are all, "Oh my! The scandal!"
Why were they yelling? Someone is making them mad. And then we have the gall to act like we don't understand. Have kids? Have they ever relentless misbehaved or drown you in questions or found they think the reaction you have to something annoying they do is funny? "Oh, but no one should yell at their kids. I don't yell at mine." Fuck. You. You, are a liar.
Ever ask for McNuggets during breakfast time only to be told no so then you just have to tell them about your final form. Of course the only way is by shrieking and smashing out a drive-thru window. It's the only thing that makes sense.
I tend to start yelling when I am adamant (Adam Ant? It's up and at 'em, ATOM ANT! sorry.) about something. Or when my point doesn't seem to be getting through. Or when I'm defending myself. Or when I decide to be obnoxious on purpose. I don't yell at customer service people, though.
I'm not here to excuse yelling. A lot of times it's inappropriate. But every time we should know what it is and not be a bunch of weiners when it happens. The biggest problem I have with this is when someone gets enflamed with passion, great vengeance, or furious anger, someone might spin it to say that the one displaying such emotion is crazy. It's like we want people to be more in touch with their emotions except when we want them not to or to exclude certain ones. But then again I guess we can't just start shrieking, cackling, or weeping in the streets.
I really don't know what I'm doing here. I'm just bored and have a song to sing. I liked Cats Don't Dance. I saw it, liek, 488 times when working at Wal-Mart.