I was at the little store (what we bumpkins call a convenience store) buying a 32 and a 44 ounce fountain drink. Wooow... Thrills right outta the gate with this one! Anyway, the cashier was telling me how the drinks reminded her of the three bears because of the different sizes. Despite (or maybe in spite of) there being only two drinks. She says her grand-nieces (which at that point, really? Grand-nieces? Just say nieces. They're you sibling's kids' kids. At this point your relationship is just a coincidence.) were making her read that story to them. I replied, "Nice to stay up on the classics." Then she said something to the affect that kids these days don't know classic literature or things like cursive. And where will they be when their little computers break? I had met an honest-to-God fuddy-duddy.
To a degree, I agree. A lot of kids these days don't know a lot of traditional things like certain literature or cursive. But cursive can eat a shit. It's one of the biggest wastes of mental capacity I have ever been involved with. I usually can't read anybody's cursive handwriting because eeeeeverybody does it a little or completely different. Know what I can decifer right off the bat? Print. But that's a whole 'nother thing for a whole 'nother time.
I read a quote from someone in 1815 complaining about how the youth of his generation couldn't properly write using a slate. And where will they be when they run out of paper? This kind of mindset has and always will exist. Things change. Just like this cashier complaining about kids these days, I'm sure she was a part of the societal changes of her day that the old folks of her time didn't like.
There are things that I don't understand or like, but I realize it's change. In fact, since my mid-thirties, I've increasingly grown a severe dislike for young people in general. I don't like most young people. I'm 40 now. I fucking hate 'em. Not all, but most. I don't know why. I see people in their 20's or younger and I'm like, "fuck these guys." They aren't doing anything to me or anything overtly obnoxious. Just... Fuck 'em. So change is constant and so is curmudgeonosity. Curmudgeonliness? Being an old asshole. There.
Image source: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1u9f7z/damn_1800_kids_and_their_paper/