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Questionable Suffering?

Experience with relationships…. Does it ever get better?

In my relatively short life, I have had a decent amount of relationships. It is understood that not every single one of them have worked out the way I was hoping… “Trying” to be the best adult I could be, I took the most of it in stride… albeit with a sprinkle of self-loathing. Well, with all of that all out on the table for the world to ponder, it brings me onto my next point. Can anyone explain to me why someone will come into your life for a short while, then all of a sudden disappear? I’m not talking like a Amelia Earhart into thin air never to be heard from again scenario. I am referring to the ever painful “Left on the Read” situation. Sure, most people will argue that “they just don’t like you” or “maybe they just got busy!”

The first one usually the situation I see the most fitting for myself. The reason I lean to that answer is usually cemented because they will continue to be fully active on every sort of social media that will give them some sort of attention. Upon asking around to friends of mine (yes I have some!) they seem to be having the same problem. Now addressing the “They got busy!” answer… to this all I have to say is BULLSHIT! Okay so to give reasoning to my justification, I want everyone to keep this in mind… everyone and I mean EVERYONE is almost always on their phone or some sort of electronic communication device. From waiting at a stop light to taking a shit, everyone is on their phone. At this point of evolution, I am surprised that a phone is not issued at birth or conceived in the womb. No this isn’t just a jab at the younger generations because even the older ones are just as bad if not worse about being on their phone…

With that evidence on the table, I fail to understand how anyone can just leave something on read… I see that as rude… as I am sure many others could agree… here is a thought for anyone who may know or is a person who commits this crime. “Just reply honestly!!” I know this is strange, but stay with me… Just be honest with whoever it is you are talking too. Even if it may not always be something the other persons wants to hear, it would be far better to just tell a person why you no longer want to talk or associate with a person. In my opinion this would be way for growth for not just for the person being shut down but also the person shutting them down. Because I think most people would rather be thought of as honest instead of just a rude asshole…


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