I hate being told, "bless you." One, I hate having unwanted attention drawn to myself, and two... We are a pretty advanced society scientifically, right? We all know or can Google how a sneeze works. But even if you don't know exactly how a sneeze works, we can all agree that we know our soul isn't escaping or that we aren't going to die while sneezing. If anyone died while sneezing, they probably suffered from some other horrible thing and a sneeze was really the least of their worries. But since we normally don't die or become the devil when we sneeze, why do we keep saying, bless you?" Because if any of that shit were true, what authority do you have to bless someone? You're not a priest or clergyman or monk or pope or anything. And then there are those that expect a bless you. I remember a kid in class sneezed and no-one said bless you to him. He starts looking around the room yelling, "Where's my bless you? Where's my bless you?" Until somebody finally said it. Fuck you! Nobody likes you. How fucking arrogant most of us are that we expect perfect strangers to bestow upon us their blessings. Like the people that bless themselves. "Achoo! Bless me. Achoo! Bless me." Who the fuck do you think you are? It's bad enough you'd expect it from those you don't even know, but to take the authority from up on high to bless yourself? And what if the superstitions are true? What happens if you bless , say, a pedophile that was about to be another death by sneeze statistic. Now you've rescued him from certain damnation to go about his way to do whatever unspeakable things all because of you. I mean, what if Hitler could've dropped dead before he pulled all of his shit if someone hadn't told him gesundheit when he sneezed that one time...