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Sleep Lying...

I don't know if you do this, but if someone calls me while I'm asleep, I lie about being asleep. Not, like, at normal times when I should be asleep. If you called at 3 am and were like, "were you asleep?" I'd be like, "Holy shit! Is this a detective? Am I a 'person of interest'?" But, no, call me if I'm asleep during the day when normal people are lurking about and you'd be like, "Were you asleep?" I'd be like, "Nnnnaaaaahhhh. I was totally up." and then follow it up with some ridiculous shit that only makes sense in the context of the dream I was having when you called.

"Nnnnaaaaahhhh. I was totally up. But those dancing rabbits sure are something aren't they?"


"You know. The rabbits that dancrrrfffbrrrb..."

And I trail off because I am slowly coming on line to the sound of this gibberish falling out of my face and I realize how ridiculous I must sound.

"You are asleep, aren't you?" And at that point my whole rouse falls apart and I have to come clean.

"Yeah. I was asleep."

"You know it's 3:45 in the afternoon."

"Well, I do now."

I think it's a defense mechanism. I'm caught off guard and I lie about it. How is it that that is my defense mechanism? What if I get robbed? Is going to be, "GIMME YOUR MONEY!" "Jared Leto made a great Joker! Uuhhh... " Then just go through a list of lies I can point out... " Your parents clearly loved you, you're batting 1000 in life, everything you do is worthwhile, women are just shy around you..." But he doesn't know my dilemma, so he buys into what I'm saying and we become best friends. I guess lying is a good thing is what I'm trying to say.

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